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9. Drunken Disco auf D'Skar - List of Participants

1. Sven aka "hifonics"DCuxhaven11Rebels104th Wolfs Commandyesno
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2. Martin aka "SchwarzeNatter"DWillich331RebelsDrunkenDwarfsDuisburgnono
3. Daniel aka "Danibrot"DHerne459SeparatistsDrunkenDwarfsDuisburgnono
4. Laura aka "Floh_x3"DHerne183Separatistsnono
5. Oliver aka "Fablelicious"DDinslaken36RebelsDrunkenDwarfsDuisburgnono
6. Kevin aka "Backfire84"DDüsseldorf-EmpireWhite Rabbitnono
7. Marc aka "Daywalker047"DGeldern77RebelsDrunkenDwarfsDuisburgnono
8. Christian aka "Crowe"DHerzogenrath56Galactic RepublicDTWnono
9. Daniel aka "DTW"DMönchengladbach122RebelsJudge Teamnono
10. Marc aka "Cheesy"DVelbert45SeparatistsWhite Rabbitnono
11. Harry aka "Sgt_saunders"GRLeverkusen214EmpireSpieleschmiede Club e.V.nono
12. Patrick aka "Schluppi"DRheurdt-Galactic RepublicTable Knights Niederrheinnono
13. Thorsten aka "Macaffey"DKöln275EmpireMacaffeynono
14. Dominik aka "TabletopBeast"DDuisburg-SeparatistsTabeltop Beast Crewnono
15. Philipp aka "Lazeruso"DBielefeld18Rebels104th Wolfs Commandnono
16. Jan aka "Wayman"DHattingen22EmpireWhite Rabbitnono

Distribution of Armies
Distribution of Origins
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