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8. Lübecker Küstenklatschen - List of Participants

1. Nico aka "Ferenczy"DLübeck57Grand Alliance ChaosLudo Liubice e.V.yes
2. Volker aka "Gooboo"DLuebeck75Grand Alliance DestructionLudo Liubice e.V.yes
3. Tin aka "Ichnur"DUpahl921Grand Alliance Orderyes
4. Remo aka "Feothar"DUpahl1363SkavenBaltic Tabletopyes
5. Robert aka "Schrecklicht"DLübeck-Stormcast Eternalsyes
6. Andreas aka "Ghost-13"DArnsberg3Disciples of TzeentchSnakeeye Snuffleryes
7. Jörg aka "rum"DWedel341Sons of BehematBones & Diceyes
8. Dennis aka "DosKrausos"DHamburg113NighthauntStörtebeker Würfelpiratenyes
9. Patrick aka "CiaphasHRO"DBad Doberan289Grand Alliance OrderBaltic Tabletopyes
10. Ole aka "Mhelody"DHamburg234Gloomspite GitzStörtebeker Würfelpiratenyes
11. Klaas aka "Klaas83"DLübeck405Hedonites of SlaaneshMasters of the Universeyes
12. Kevin aka "Einser-Magnet"DHerrnburg353Grand Alliance DeathLudo Liubice e.V.yes
13. Ulf aka "LastHope"DDaldorf810Grand Alliance ChaosLudo Liubice e.V.yes
14. Simon-Patrick aka "Skom"DSchwarzenbek34Grand Alliance ChaosLudo Liubice e.V.yes
15. Henry aka "McBoobies"DBuchholz237Stormcast EternalsStörtebeker Würfelpiratenyes
16. Lukas aka "Magedown"DHemme251Idoneth DeepkinJungs aus dem Hobbybunkeryes
17. Fabio aka "Geizhals"DHamburg301Grand Alliance ChaosWalhalla Wargamingyes
18. Mark aka "Quicklot"DMunster142Grand Alliance OrderStörtebeker Würfelpiratenyes
19. Ulf aka "Magic_Ulf"DMunster79Flesh-eater Courtsyes
20. Hendrik aka "Shoemaker"DHamburg127Blades of KhorneWalhalla&Diceyes
Waiting Queue
21. Jonas aka "Geobe0"DRostock25Stormcast EternalsDie Ritter des Fliesentischsyes
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
22. Tobias aka "Rabrab"DKiel135Gloomspite GitzTabletop Club Kielno
23. Martin aka "MrGrandMarshalOfTheApocalypse"DLübeck432Grand Alliance OrderLudo Liubice e.V.no
24. Henrik aka "EPOSone"DRoggentin195Grand Alliance ChaosBaltic Tabletopno
25. Davina aka "HolyAngel"DAchtrup-Ossiarch BonereapersWattwürfler Husumno
26. Lukas aka "Duki"DKiel467FyreslayersTabletop Club Kielno
27. Sebastian aka "deepkind"DMeldorf780Idoneth DeepkinBones & Diceno
28. Sakarija aka "Zac"DHamburg110Grand Alliance ChaosStörtebeker Würfelpiratenno
29. Aik aka "Raja"DRostock112Grand Alliance DestructionBaltic Tabletopno
30. Christian aka "Nukular"DSeeth-ekholt-Soulblight Gravelordsno
31. Jan aka "Engoku"DBreitenburg253Grand Alliance DestructionBones & Diceno
32. Sven aka "Bancarn"DStralsund-Sons of BehematBaltic Tabletopno
33. Tom aka "Tom86"DRostock1026Stormcast Eternalsno
34. Lukas aka "Gomorrha"DKiel565Ogor MawtribesTabletop Club Kielno
35. Daniel aka "Cherry_Face"DSeelze / OT Kirchwehren314SeraphonTwo and a half Diceno
36. Alexander aka "Aggrecan"DLübeck-SylvanethLudo Liubice e.V.no
37. Janis aka "Znipps"DKiel99Grand Alliance OrderFettes Grotno
38. Felix aka "Gothprincess"DHeide / Holstein-Slaves to DarknessBones & Diceno
39. Till aka "Intothewilds"DHamburg84Grand Alliance DestructionWalhalla Wargamingno
40. Leon aka "MightyGrongoll"DRostock293Grand Alliance DestructionBaltic Tabletopno
41. Anjo aka "Grimdark"DHamburg287Blades of KhorneWalhalla&Diceno

Distribution of Armies
Grand Alliance Chaos:4
Grand Alliance Order:3
Stormcast Eternals:2
Blades of Khorne:1
Disciples of Tzeentch:1
Flesh-eater Courts:1
Gloomspite Gitz:1
Grand Alliance Death:1
Grand Alliance Destruction:1
Hedonites of Slaanesh:1
Idoneth Deepkin:1
Sons of Behemat:1
Distribution of Origins
Bad Doberan:1
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