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DaTrollsKingdom´s 120 Tonnen Turnier @ CatCon - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Maik aka "hippi4one"DEicklingen52Butte Hold PiratenMFGno
2. Torsten aka "Whippet"DOberreichenbach-Sonstige SöldnerBlack Forestno
3. (anonym)-Liga Freier Weltenno
4. Marcus aka "NarfTaz"DWangen40Draconis Kombinatno
5. Michael aka "AzraelDTH"DDietenheim-Liga Freier Welten42th Blood Angelsno
6. Jürgen K.DEschach-Lyranische CommonwealthMFGno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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