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N³ Cup V - Warhammer 40k - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Matthias aka "RonnyAltona"DNürnberg947T'au EmpireTTV Hohlstange 5000no
2. Niklas aka "Nik-"DNürnberg717Genestealer CultsAdeptus Ridiculousno
3. Thomas aka "Bruder-Tom"DNürnberg350Space MarinesNerd Nexus Nürnberg - N³no
4. Ernst aka "TheHoodedMan"DNeustadt a.d. Aisch1537Adepta SororitasNun&Chakuno
5. Nils aka "gettheheavyflamer"DErlangen1619T'au EmpireTabletop Grotz NDno
6. Maximilian aka "DrunkenCorps"DFeucht2117Death Guardno
7. Rafael aka "Suedlaender"DNürnberg2475Deathwatchno
8. Manuel aka "Berades"DBayreuth9World EatersKings of the Hillno
9. Christian aka "N3_MnB_Chris"DNürnberg1196Dark AngelsN3no
10. Florian aka "DaCoernl"DNürnberg202The InquisitionEndless Furyno
11. Patrick aka "Painkiller"DFürth508EldarNerd Nexus Nürnberg - N³no
12. Carsten aka "LittleJoe"DWeihenzell1376TyranidsHillbilliesno
13. Manuel aka "MadDoc"DAnsbach2148Space MarinesHillbilliesno
14. Roland aka "Robroy"DNürnberg676DrukhariN3no
15. Michael aka "SirCaedes"DRödelsee-Tyranidsno
16. Armin aka "InqArmin"DFürth2496Necronsno
17. Gregor aka "Kyoki"DNürnberg242Chaos Space MarinesN3no
18. Robert aka "Boboski"DFürth1029Astra Militarumno
19. Joseph aka "Bloodbath"DEschenau347Death GuardSnazzy boi'sno
20. Emanuel aka "DARKK"DSchwäbisch Hall936Thousand Sons-BUFU-no

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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