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19th Conflict a SAGA tournament - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Ronny aka "DFTBA"BBegijnendijk-JomsvikingsMiniature Mad Menno
2. Kurt aka "Windelin"BGent1OtherworldRed Baronsno
3. Pierre aka "picpic"BDilbeek Bruxelles5MoorsSaga brusselsno
4. Maarten aka "Khorne_Flakes"BRijmenam10Anglo-DanesConectr Team Aarschotno
5. Alfredo aka "EuroMonkey"BBrussels19NormansSaga brusselsno
6. Simon aka "SimonS"BAalter-Milites ChristiThe Green Knight Bruggeno
7. Jan aka "Nepos"BGent7SassanidsRed Baronsno
8. Jean aka "Lorenz0"BBraine-L’Alleud2PictsSaga brusselsno
9. Johan aka "Ave_Johan"BLaakdal37Crusader LevanteConectr Team Aarschotno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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