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19th Conflict a Star Wars Legion tournament - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Jeff aka "Commander-Jeff"BNieuwrode-RebelsFallen Angelsno
2. Stieve aka "Stieve"BHeist Od Berg-EmpireStieveno
3. Alexander aka "Koral_66"BBraives18Galactic RepublicBolt Club Gunno
4. David aka "davve"BLeuven-SeparatistsWargaming Monkeysno
5. Enguerrand aka "Engue"Blouvain-la-neuve1Galactic Republicno
6. Arnaud aka "Jack_Brussell"BAuderghem24RebelsTouche Critiqueno
7. Sebastien aka "Hill"BBilstain6EmpireHo2Kno
8. Tim aka "Hargrim"BEkeren12EmpireXhammerno
9. Johan aka "johan"BScherpenheuvel-Zichem-SeparatistsFallen angelsno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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