No. | Name | Origin | NTR | Army | Team | Paid |
1. | Teddy aka "Frosties" | Dury | 9 | Slaves to Darkness | Team Ludik | yes |
2. | Florian aka "FloRoub" | Bondues | 40 | Maggotkin of Nurgle | Flo | yes |
3. | Jovien aka "Djocolt" | Haubourdin | 166 | Flesh-eater Courts | Les Chatards ! | yes |
4. | Maxime aka "Pippin" | Hazebrouck | 74 | Lumineth Realm-Lords | North Lions | yes |
5. | Thibaut aka "Bodaghi" | Amiens | 38 | Sylvaneth | | yes |
6. | Fabien aka "Ymh" | Péronne | 117 | Stormcast Eternals | | yes |
7. | Pierre-Louis aka "Phoenix-Spirit" | Meaux | 105 | Stormcast Eternals | | yes |
8. | Arnaud aka "Spatulefurtive" | Penchard | 297 | Nighthaunt | Spooky ghosts | yes |
9. | Vianney aka "Karoningor" | Lille | 43 | Grand Alliance Death | North Lions | yes |
10. | Maxime aka "Isterius" | Bouchain | 47 | Maggotkin of Nurgle | NPV | yes |
11. | Guillaume aka "Haraldson" | Lille | 81 | Grand Alliance Chaos | NPV | yes |
12. | Cerrus aka "Cerrus" | Lille | 951 | Stormcast Eternals | Trolls de Farfadets | yes |
13. | Alexandre aka "carnage02" | Harly | 58 | Gloomspite Gitz | | yes |
14. | Clément aka "Grimork" | VALENCIENNES | 31 | Skaven | NPV | yes |
15. | Thomas aka "Redwin_" | Marquettez-Lez-Lille | 175 | Fyreslayers | North Lions | yes |
16. | Ludovic aka "Maghterigon" | Bruxelles | 2045 | Ogor Mawtribes | My Hobby App | yes |
17. | Charles aka "CBFM" | Fourmies | 854 | Daughters of Khaine | | yes |
18. | Thibaut aka "Metek" | Bourghelles | 140 | Soulblight Gravelords | Les Chatards ! | yes |
19. | Alexandre aka "Uzbad" | Amiens | 1353 | Disciples of Tzeentch | | yes |
Distribution of Armies |
Stormcast Eternals: | 3 |
Maggotkin of Nurgle: | 2 |
Daughters of Khaine: | 1 |
Disciples of Tzeentch: | 1 |
Flesh-eater Courts: | 1 |
Fyreslayers: | 1 |
Gloomspite Gitz: | 1 |
Grand Alliance Chaos: | 1 |
Grand Alliance Death: | 1 |
Lumineth Realm-Lords: | 1 |
Nighthaunt: | 1 |
Ogor Mawtribes: | 1 |
Skaven: | 1 |
Slaves to Darkness: | 1 |
Soulblight Gravelords: | 1 |
Sylvaneth: | 1 |
Distribution of Origins |
Nord (59): | 11 |
Somme (80): | 4 |
Seine-et-Marne (77): | 2 |
Aisne (02): | 1 |
Aube (10): | 1 |