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Solo AoS d'Octobre 2024 à Utopolys - List of Participants

1. Teddy aka "Frosties"FDury9Slaves to DarknessTeam Ludikyes
2. Florian aka "FloRoub"FBondues40Maggotkin of NurgleFloyes
3. Jovien aka "Djocolt"FHaubourdin166Flesh-eater CourtsLes Chatards !yes
4. Maxime aka "Pippin"FHazebrouck74Lumineth Realm-LordsNorth Lionsyes
5. Thibaut aka "Bodaghi"FAmiens38Sylvanethyes
6. Fabien aka "Ymh"FPéronne117Stormcast Eternalsyes
7. Pierre-Louis aka "Phoenix-Spirit"FMeaux105Stormcast Eternalsyes
8. Arnaud aka "Spatulefurtive"FPenchard297NighthauntSpooky ghostsyes
9. Vianney aka "Karoningor"FLille43Grand Alliance DeathNorth Lionsyes
10. Maxime aka "Isterius"FBouchain47Maggotkin of NurgleNPVyes
11. Guillaume aka "Haraldson"FLille81Grand Alliance ChaosNPVyes
12. Cerrus aka "Cerrus"FLille951Stormcast EternalsTrolls de Farfadetsyes
13. Alexandre aka "carnage02"FHarly58Gloomspite Gitzyes
14. Clément aka "Grimork"FVALENCIENNES31SkavenNPVyes
15. Thomas aka "Redwin_"FMarquettez-Lez-Lille175FyreslayersNorth Lionsyes
16. Ludovic aka "Maghterigon"BBruxelles2045Ogor MawtribesMy Hobby Appyes
17. Charles aka "CBFM"FFourmies854Daughters of Khaineyes
18. Thibaut aka "Metek"FBourghelles140Soulblight GravelordsLes Chatards !yes
19. Alexandre aka "Uzbad"FAmiens1353Disciples of Tzeentchyes

Distribution of Armies
Stormcast Eternals:3
Maggotkin of Nurgle:2
Daughters of Khaine:1
Disciples of Tzeentch:1
Flesh-eater Courts:1
Gloomspite Gitz:1
Grand Alliance Chaos:1
Grand Alliance Death:1
Lumineth Realm-Lords:1
Ogor Mawtribes:1
Slaves to Darkness:1
Soulblight Gravelords:1
Distribution of Origins
Nord (59):11
Somme (80):4
Seine-et-Marne (77):2
Aisne (02):1
Aube (10):1
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