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7. Bier und Brezel Weihnachtscup - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Gregor aka "Lucardos"ALeopoldsdorf-Dark Angels4 Fäuste für Altdorfno
2. Mark aka "Sahib-the-Destroyer"AHainburg A.d. Donau-Astra Militarum4 Fäuste für Altdorfno
3. Martin aka "Mart"AWien-Eldar4 Fäuste für Altdorfno
4. Sebastian aka "Sir_Beardl"AWien-The InquisitionVindobona Tabletop 2no
5. Kevin aka "planB_GOD"ATrofaiach1Space MarinesTeam Styria 1no
6. Kevin aka "Ahzek"AKlagenfurt15The InquisitionCarinthian Conquerorsno
7. Lukas aka "SunKiller"AHart bei Graz17Astra MilitarumTeam Styria 1no
8. Christian aka "Sperber"AGraz30Blood AngelsTeam Styria 2no
9. Julian aka "Purpleteaser"AGraz44Blood AngelsTeam Styria 2no
10. (anonym)-Space MarinesVindobona Tabletop 2no
11. Alexander aka "thealex78"ALinz-Imperial KnightsWürfelkommandono
12. Kevin aka "Thorax"AGössendorf290Adepta SororitasTeam Styria 2no
13. Tommy aka "TommyGti"AWien146Space MarinesMarcus Miniatures Squadno
14. Sebastian aka "KipYling"AWien32DrukhariMarcus Miniatures Squadno
15. Marcus aka "MarcusMiniatures"AWien68T'au EmpireMarcus Miniatures Squadno
16. Armin aka "Arminivs"AGraz9The InquisitionTeam Styria 1no
17. Jakub aka "Rektex"CZJablonná144Chaos Space MarinesLions Pragueno
18. Max aka "BigDripMac"ALinz35Chaos Space MarinesWürfelkommandono
19. Carl-Georg aka "Tenebrae"AWien78Chaos Space MarinesVindobona Tabletop 2no

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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