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Clash of the Kraken III - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Holger aka "Mrat"DHamburg43GoblinsTabletop Freibeuterno
2. Marius aka "derUnerbuettliche"DBremen-Empire of DustBremer Tabletop Vereinno
3. Jens aka "OberstOhnemaedel"DStadland42DwarfsFriesische Freizeitno
4. Peter aka "pk-hb"DLilienthal24Forces of the AbyssBremer Tabletop Vereinno
5. Martin aka "Sanul"DBremen16Northern AllianceBremer Tabletop Vereinno
6. Sven aka "Ari"DLübeck8NightstalkersDark Prophecyno
7. Jörg aka "Didi"DStockelsdorf34Northern AllianceDark Prophecyno
8. Florian aka "Flonco"DBad Oldesloe-SalamandersDark Prophecyno
9. Peter aka "Jim_Panse"DDetmold-Dwarfsno
10. Manuel aka "lemanu"DHamburg1Forces of the AbyssTabletop Freibeuterno
11. Sven aka "Skaven"DHamburg5Ratkin SlavesTabletop Freibeuterno
12. Moritz aka "Mo1983"DReinbek27Kingdoms of MenTabletop Freibeuterno
13. Wolfgang aka "WolleK"DLülsdorf23Abyssal DwarfsPrivateer Poza Boyzno
14. Markus aka "Esmer"DHamburg116Northern Allianceno
15. Clément aka "ClemClem"Dberlin32GoblinsITGC Berlinno
16. Martin aka "Fomorian"DBerlin-OgresITGC Berlinno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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