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Mornes Plaines VII - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Quentin aka "Dark_Pips"BSoignies19NighthauntTeam Bichesnono
2. Alexandre aka "Rahakmeth"BGembloux152Hedonites of Slaaneshnono
3. David aka "LeTavernierDeYiruld"BJumet15The Legion of AzgorhLa Tavernenono
4. Stephane aka "COUNE"BHamme-Mille369Disciples of TzeentchTBJnono
5. Florian aka "Davix"BThieulain197Grand Alliance OrderLa Tour d'ébènenono
6. Raf aka "colstrycker"BWilrijk29Flesh-eater Courtsminitiature mad mennono
7. Julien aka "godtbilator"BBruxelles140Ossiarch BonereapersLe Bunker Bastardsnono
8. Adrien aka "Ingavar"BTamines154Sons of BehematWar'sambrenono
9. Luka aka "CaptainNemo"BMechelen92Stormcast EternalsMiniature Mad Mannono
10. Grégory aka "Psychoboy"BLillois-Witterzée11SkavenInglorious bastardsnono
11. Sebastien aka "Tipilou"BHam / Sambre369Stormcast EternalsWar’Sambrenono
12. David aka "Thrognathog"Bmettet-Maggotkin of NurgleLes Gallinacés libresnono
13. Thibault aka "Scaramanga"BFontaine L'eveq125Grand Alliance OrderBeerserkernono
14. Maxime aka "Woodhell"BBruxelles21SkavenWGSnono

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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