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2. Age of Oheim Kneipenschlägerei - List of Participants

1. Robert aka "Bankster"DAschaffenburg53Idoneth DeepkinAsgard Aschaffenburg e.V.yes
2. Tim aka "PrivateMccormick"DMichelau56Orruk Warclans1-Inch-Redeployyes
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3. Antonio aka "Nito"DKützberg373Skaven3InchFailsno
4. Peter aka "Gendo"DRöthlein553Grand Alliance Death3InchFailsno
5. Marcel aka "MarcelloMartello"DHeidelberg-SeraphonTeam Firebugno
6. Christian aka "0815Imp"DRavenstein743Stormcast Eternalsno
7. Miklos aka "Murky"DAlitzheim220Grand Alliance Destruction1-Inch-Redeployno
8. Steffen aka "White_Templer"DErfurt405SeraphonTabletopclub Erfurt e.V.no
9. Andreas aka "bloerrk"DGrettstadt-Slaves to Darknessno
10. Christian aka "Heu"DGochsheim876Disciples of Tzeentch9InchFailsno
11. Steffen aka "Squalltex"DGrettstadt162Kharadron OverlordsDevil Dice Tabletopno
12. Daniel aka "Donnerwolf"DRiechheim185Disciples of TzeentchTabletop Club Erfurt e.V.no
13. Lennard aka "MoRy_IL"DIlmenau799Soulblight Gravelordsno
14. Christopher aka "Lolai"DBamberg-Grand Alliance ChaosBam! Chaosno

Distribution of Armies
Idoneth Deepkin:1
Orruk Warclans:1
Distribution of Origins
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