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AoS Team Austria presents: Road to Worlds 1! (5. AGT) - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Daniel aka "TDU"AGraz2NighthauntAoS Austriano
2. Benedict aka "Quin"AInnsbruck3Ogor MawtribesAoS Austriano
3. Michael aka "Naberius"AFels am Wagram9Orruk WarclansLos Diablos Desperadosno
4. Michael aka "Goldi789"ALeobersdorf15Flesh-eater Courtsno
5. Michael aka "lord_Odin"ABlumau52Ossiarch BonereapersVR46no
6. Florian aka "Jumior"AMining22Slaves to DarknessBeer and Dice Associationno
7. Manuel aka "NexGG"AGraz23SylvanethGlitzer Barbiesno
8. Gottfried aka "Huanchi"AGraz55SeraphonGlitzer Barbiesno
9. Benjamin aka "SeppL"AGraz37Grand Alliance OrderGlitzer Barbiesno
10. Johannes aka "JohnnyDerp"AGraz87Grand Alliance OrderGlitzer Barbiesno
11. Fabian aka "Scout"AKlagenfurt249Lumineth Realm-LordsFluffige Wuschelhasen des Todesno
12. Daniel aka "Xanon"AGraz193Lumineth Realm-LordsGlitzer Barbiesno
13. Michael aka "Oeschi"ASeekirchen8Stormcast EternalsBeer and Dice Associationno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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