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Hammer & Bolters - Duo Tournament - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Glenn aka "Mr_G"BNiel394Leagues of VotannMr.J & Mr.Gno
2. Max aka "Misty"BMerksem-Orks50 shades of Waaaghno
3. Matthias aka "betonblokje"BMopertingen13T'au EmpireDat vul ik later wel in...no
4. Thomas aka "LandsKnecht"BSittard25Chaos DaemonsDat vul ik later wel in...no
5. Tom aka "Tom_ep"BMechelen9OrksSilent Kings Awakenedno
6. Steve aka "Odan"BHoboken-Leagues of VotannDwarves with a grudgeno
7. Gabriel aka "JeanClaudeVanGogh"BNamur3Astra MilitarumBelRegno
8. Adriano aka "GeckoBE"BFleurus42Leagues of VotannBelRegno
9. Ronny aka "MisterJay"BSchoten-Tyranidsno
10. Jan aka "HolleBolleJan"BAarschot30Space WolvesGLLno
11. Kevin aka "Peeters"BMerelbeke51T'au EmpireGLLno
12. Björn aka "BVD"BBoechout-EldarBroers Van Desselno
13. Glenn aka "GVD"BKessel-Grey KnightsBroers Van Desselno
14. Keyvan aka "Caveman"BKalmthout263Astra Militarumrsdwargamingno
15. Gianni aka "Infamous"BGent52Space MarinesJarno en Giannino
16. Julien aka "Aioudedby"BRemouchamps-Thousand SonsDe Beurs Van De Reisno
17. Thomas aka "Hinode"BAywaille-Leagues of VotannDe Beurs Van De Reisno
18. Mike aka "MikeVK"NLSteenbergen-Orksrsdwargamingno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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