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10 Jahre Salziger Schlachtfelder - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Alexander aka "AL_PRINCEPS"DMainz-RivendellDas Rheintriumviratnono
2. Leon aka "Wuestenloewe"DWitzenhausen201Haradnono
3. Andreas aka "Avalon_"DWermelskirchen63ArnorBergische Würfellöwennono
4. Simon aka "Poek3lfl3isch"DKaiserslautern151Variags of Khandnono
5. Marcel aka "The_Nurserer"DWeilerbach584The Wizardsnono
6. Niklas aka "Bago"DSaulheim196The Wanderers in the WildMittelerde-Gerangel Rhein-Mainnono
7. Christian aka "Chris89"DGeisenheim327Dunlandnono
8. Henrik aka "Kahmul"DBoppard214The Dead of DunharrowTeam Bockstadtnono
9. Christian aka "GermanBockwurst"DAachen393AngmarWestwallnono
10. Jerome aka "Pyroman"DAltrip114The Dead of DunharrowWächter der Grenzlandenono
11. Marvin aka "Thorgrim_8J"DBreckerfeld167Durin's Folknono
12. Dennis aka "DediXXXIII"DSelfkant567The Eagles of the Misty Mountainsnono
13. Tim aka "Timli"DWaldböckelheim462Durin's FolkTeam Westernisnono
14. Kevin aka "Farathan"DFreudenberg123MoriaMinas Marburgnono
15. Chris aka "theaveragehobbydude"DHüttenberg348EregionDas WIRKLICH letzte Bündnisnono

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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