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Custom Wargame Autumn Tournament - Team de 4 - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Julien aka "godtbilator"BBruxelles148Flesh-eater CourtsLe Bunker Bastardsnono
2. Guillaume aka "Aurus"BVilvorde-Grand Alliance OrderYoung Blood Bastardsnono
3. Clément aka "Clipment"BVilvoorde-Grand Alliance ChaosYoung Blood Bastardsnono
4. Nathan aka "Arkan"BVilvoorde53Idoneth DeepkinYoung Blood Bastardsnono
5. Youri aka "bojje"BBruxelles28Slaves to DarknessYoung Blood Bastardsnono
6. Gilles aka "Attila_Le_Un"BUccle214Stormcast EternalsLes Pieds Velusnono
7. Mathieu aka "Cheveche"BOverijse-Slaves to DarknessLes Pieds Velusnono
8. Nathan aka "Orkiz"BBruxelles-SeraphonLes Pieds Velusnono
9. Isabelle aka "Overwatch-bee"BChastre60Grand Alliance ChaosTeam Beau Jeunono
10. Maxime aka "Lorknaar"BVillers-la-ville92Grand Alliance DeathTeam Beau Jeunono
11. Yannick aka "KoYanski"BRixensart-Gloomspite GitzTeam Beau Jeunono

List of teams

Registered teams
1Le Bunker Bastardsgodtbilator
2Young Blood BastardsAurus, Clipment, Arkan, bojje
3Les Pieds VelusAttila_Le_Un, Cheveche, Orkiz
4Team Beau JeuOverwatch-bee, Lorknaar, KoYanski

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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