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The Dark Mountain 4 - List of Participants

1. Martin aka "NaugrimIBK"AMils-The Rangers of IthilienTeam Tirolyesyes
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
2. Thomas aka "RustyDusty"AInnsbruck41MoriaTeam Tirolyesno
3. Michael aka "KurlVeranek"AVomp66AngmarTeam Tirolyesno
4. Valentin aka "toastmrbang"AInnsbruck224MordorTeam Tirolyesno
5. Lukas aka "LA90"AInnsbruck-Mordoryesno
6. Stephan aka "stevo-23"AMutters105The WizardsTeam Tirolyesno
7. Daniel aka "DTu"AInnsbruck72Desolator of the NorthTeam Tirolyesno
8. Antonio aka "Brazork"AInnsbruck127The TrollsTeam Tirolyesno
9. Maximilian aka "Kemmi"ALochau-The Serpent HordeTeam Tirolyesno
10. Bernhard aka "von_Richthofen"AFeldkirch3The WizardsWhite Towernono

Distribution of Armies
The Rangers of Ithilien:1
Distribution of Origins
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