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WCDPD AoS 2024, Etape de L1 - List of Participants

1. Paul aka "Neow"FBetton2Stormcast EternalsL’Allianceyes
2. Benjamin aka "Askelaad"FBrest1NighthauntL’Allianceyes
3. Enzo aka "Warren"FRonchin33Blades of KhorneL’Allianceyes
4. Mickaël aka "Meliodas"FLille39Stormcast EternalsL’Allianceyes
5. Parma aka "Pouic"FPoncins269Grand Alliance OrderL’Allianceyes
6. Camille aka "Loukrage"FRennes4Orruk WarclansL’Allianceyes
7. Michael aka "Miladin"FParis14Flesh-eater CourtsL’Allianceyes
8. Edouard aka "Palach"FHellemmes-Lille61Maggotkin of NurgleL’Allianceyes
9. Nicolas aka "Arkahn"FLyon80Grand Alliance ChaosLazarus Legionyes
10. Hadrien aka "Bouynours"FVilleurbanne10Sons of BehematLazarus Legionyes
11. Antoine aka "Zazou_lejoueur"FLyon108Beasts of ChaosLazarus Legionyes
12. Erwan aka "Pacifieur"FCornebarrieu29Legions of NagashLazarus Legionyes
13. Damien aka "Gahazell"FReims8The Legion of AzgorhLazarus Legionyes
14. Nicolas aka "spoon"FParis3Tamurkhan’s HordeLazarus Legionyes
15. Andrea aka "gultars"FAubière6Cities of SigmarLazarus Legionyes
16. Jean-Baptiste aka "Bedjy"FAnnecy22Grand Alliance ChaosProjet Xyes
17. Teddy aka "Frosties"FDury48Grand Alliance OrderProjet Xyes
18. Valentin aka "Eled"FEvian Les Bains225Idoneth DeepkinProjet Xyes
19. Sam aka "Sma"FParis16Soulblight GravelordsProjet Xyes
20. Julien aka "Sigmar01"FParis45SkavenProjet Xyes
21. Christophe aka "Anca"FParis75Grand Alliance DestructionProjet Xyes
22. Thibault aka "Ankor"FParis51Beasts of ChaosProjet Xyes
23. Romain aka "MisterZa"FNanterre19The Legion of AzgorhProjet Xyes
24. David aka "Xandary"FGuyancourt50FyreslayersLa Hordeyes
25. Mateusz aka "Torpille"BMouscron26The Legion of AzgorhLa Hordeyes
26. Thibault aka "Thibaal"FBrest46Grand Alliance DestructionLa Hordeyes
27. Timoté aka "Fouraz"FRoubaix227Stormcast EternalsLa Hordeyes
28. Sylvain aka "Lelith"FLille18Flesh-eater CourtsLa Hordeyes
29. Julien aka "MuaD_Dib03"FMontluçon351Grand Alliance ChaosLa Hordeyes
30. Benjamin aka "Ben-Hur"FSequedin31Disciples of TzeentchLa Hordeyes
31. Christophe aka "salchr"FVersailles44Gloomspite GitzLa Hordeyes
32. Thomas aka "Shosuro"FMarseille59Grand Alliance ChaosCARTELyes
33. Pierre aka "Troll2Pierre"FRennes52Gloomspite GitzLions Celtesyes
34. Corentin aka "Asobic"FRennes70Beasts of ChaosLions Celtesyes
35. Clément aka "Khazmodai"FRennes88FyreslayersLions Celtesyes
36. Adrien aka "Agonie___"FSaint-Brieuc23Grand Alliance ChaosLions Celtesyes
37. Jeremy aka "Aleryk"FRennes9NighthauntLions Celtesyes
38. Jean-Marc aka "Edoval"FRennes28SkavenLions Celtesyes
39. Luca aka "Fimbure"FRennes38Maggotkin of NurgleLions Celtesyes
40. Julien aka "Ichibar"FRennes79Flesh-eater CourtsLions Celtesyes
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
41. Quentin aka "Kent"FNice27Grand Alliance OrderCARTELno
42. Baptiste aka "NooGat"FAix En Provence139Grand Alliance OrderCARTELno
43. Aurelien aka "Garazoo"FCannes La Bocca42Grand Alliance DestructionCARTELno
44. Nicolas aka "Huanchi93"FLyon36Grand Alliance ChaosCARTELno
45. Kevin aka "Skevin"FMarseille-SkavenCARTELno
46. Simon aka "Rokugan"FMartigues217SkavenCARTELno
47. Alexandre aka "DaCapo"FMarseille40Stormcast EternalsCARTELno

List of teams

1L’AllianceLoukrage, Miladin, Palach, Pouic, Neow, Meliodas, Warren, Askelaad
2Lazarus LegionArkahn, Bouynours, Zazou_lejoueur, Pacifieur, Gahazell, spoon, gultars
3La HordeXandary, Torpille, Thibaal, salchr, Ben-Hur, MuaD_Dib03, Lelith, Fouraz
4Projet XFrosties, Eled, Sma, MisterZa, Bedjy, Sigmar01, Ankor, Anca
5Lions CeltesFimbure, Ichibar, Edoval, Aleryk, Agonie___, Khazmodai, Asobic, Troll2Pierre
Registered teams
Shosuro, Kent, NooGat, Garazoo, Huanchi93, Skevin, Rokugan, DaCapo

Distribution of Armies
Grand Alliance Chaos:5
Beasts of Chaos:3
Flesh-eater Courts:3
Stormcast Eternals:3
The Legion of Azgorh:3
Gloomspite Gitz:2
Grand Alliance Destruction:2
Grand Alliance Order:2
Maggotkin of Nurgle:2
Blades of Khorne:1
Cities of Sigmar:1
Disciples of Tzeentch:1
Idoneth Deepkin:1
Legions of Nagash:1
Orruk Warclans:1
Sons of Behemat:1
Soulblight Gravelords:1
Tamurkhan’s Horde:1
Distribution of Origins
Ille-et-Vilaine (35):8
Paris (75):7
Nord (59):6
Rhône (69):3
Finistère (29):2
Haute-Savoie (74):2
Yvelines (78):2
Allier (03):1
Bouches-du-Rhône (13):1
Côtes d'Armor (22):1
Haute-Garonne (31):1
Loire (42):1
Marne (51):1
Puy-de-Dôme (63):1
Seine-et-Marne (77):1
Somme (80):1
Hauts-de-Seine (92):1
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