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L2 - Sud-Ouest - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Vincent aka "Artanom"FBordeaux457Grand Alliance ChaosLes Griffonsno0
2. Xavier aka "Xato"FPoitiers149NighthauntMOF 1no0
3. Enzo aka "Yellow_Cold_Cuba_Banana"FBayonne378NighthauntMOF 1no0
4. Eric aka "RICOTHRAX"FBiarritz463NighthauntMOF 1no0
5. Clément aka "Jacknife"FToulouse95Grand Alliance DestructionFig'oxitanno0
6. Alexandre aka "Bibiou"FSaint Jean164Legions of NagashFig'oxitanno0
7. Clement aka "Azukay"FMuret291Grand Alliance ChaosFig'oxitanno0
8. Alexandre aka "Calas"FOndres1010NighthauntMOF 1no0
9. Erwan aka "Pacifieur"FCornebarrieu29FyreslayersFig'oxitanno0
10. Louis aka "Huskarl"FAndernos-Les-Bains679Grand Alliance OrderGRABUJJno0
11. Arthur aka "ArtOfWar"FBordeaux232Beasts of ChaosGRABUJJno0
12. Sebastien aka "Scieachene"FBerson962Grand Alliance DeathLes Griffonsno0
13. Michel aka "Taliesin"FAudressein475Maggotkin of NurgleC’est Pas Fauxno0
14. Cyrille aka "FergusEcam"FSt Jean De Moirans412Hedonites of SlaaneshLes Griffonsno0
15. Andréas aka "Zetsu"FMérignac352Grand Alliance ChaosLes Griffonsno0
16. Kevin aka "Kekeleboucher"FBoucau297Gloomspite GitzLes Griffonsno0
17. François aka "Kozo"F33000 - BORDEAUX161Sons of BehematLes Griffonsno0
18. Bruno aka "Nibeuh"FLe Haillan30Grand Alliance DeathLes Griffonsno0
19. Hervé aka "spartanherve"FToulouse115Grand Alliance ChaosFrackass'teamno0
20. Julien aka "Jb13"FPin Justardt96Grand Alliance DeathFig'oxitanno0
21. Nicolas aka "Vil"FToulouse304Grand Alliance ChaosFig'oxitanno0
22. Alexandre aka "aZzixPhoenix"FClermont-Ferrand763NighthauntMOF 1no0
23. Florian aka "Cebed"FSt Quentin De Baron176NighthauntMOF 1no0
24. Franck aka "Lalchimiste"FAnglet223NighthauntMOF 1no0
25. Jean-Baptiste aka "Met_dix_ans"FClamart452Grand Alliance DeathFrackass'teamno0
26. Cedric aka "Lasril"FGennevilliers240Legions of NagashFrackass'teamno0
27. Philippe aka "Vindic"FLanton432Kharadron OverlordsGRABUJJno0
28. Thomas aka "Scharossar"BWoluwe-Saint-Lambert181The Legion of AzgorhFrackass'teamno0
29. William aka "BlackSword"FToulouse159Daughters of KhaineFig'oxitanno0
30. Jérôme aka "Berzy"FCarcassonne289Maggotkin of NurgleC’est Pas Fauxno0
31. Christophe aka "Sebas"FFendeille360Maggotkin of NurgleC’est Pas Fauxno0
32. Bruno aka "Doul"FAmbares439NighthauntMOF 1no0
33. Antoine aka "Akira2f"FCazilhac373Maggotkin of NurgleC’est Pas Fauxno0
34. Arthur aka "Magnus_wargame"FLarra409Grand Alliance DeathFig'oxitanno0
35. Erwan aka "Toucan_du_turfu"FBegles63NighthauntLes Griffonsno0
36. Hugo aka "Astsaroth"FLe Teich891Ogor MawtribesGRABUJJno0
37. (anonym)-NighthauntC’est Pas Fauxno0
38. Marc aka "marcvador"FMios603Grand Alliance DestructionGRABUJJno0
39. Mickael aka "Funa"FPennautier319Maggotkin of NurgleC’est Pas Fauxno0
40. Teddy aka "Valeus"FMiremont246Grand Alliance ChaosFrackass'teamno0
41. Mehdi aka "Babi"FToulouse121Grand Alliance ChaosFrackass'teamno0
42. Emile aka "Allanon"FToulouse334The Legion of AzgorhC’est Pas Fauxno0

List of teams

Registered teams
1Les GriffonsArtanom, Scieachene, FergusEcam, Zetsu, Kekeleboucher, Kozo, Nibeuh, Toucan_du_turfu
2MOF 1Xato, Yellow_Cold_Cuba_Banana, RICOTHRAX, Calas, aZzixPhoenix, Cebed, Lalchimiste, Doul
3Fig'oxitanJacknife, Bibiou, Azukay, Pacifieur, Jb13, Vil, BlackSword, Magnus_wargame
4GRABUJJHuskarl, ArtOfWar, Vindic, Astsaroth, marcvador
5C’est Pas FauxTaliesin, Berzy, Sebas, Akira2f, (anonym), Funa, Allanon
6Frackass'teamspartanherve, Met_dix_ans, Lasril, Scharossar, Valeus, Babi

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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