T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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2999 Pkt 6.Ed. Bönnscher BAMS!! - List of Participants

1. Sebastian aka "mantis"DBonn22Dogs of WarLudatores Bonnae - Tabletop Bonnyes
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
2. Sebastian aka "Llewellyn"DWülfrath4Wood Elvesno
3. Hendrik aka "Yax-chol"DBonn151Lizardmenno
4. Frank aka "Fritz-X"DLeverkusen19BretonniaThis is Spartano
5. Johann aka "PunkRockSpawn"DEssen3896Vampire CountsYumYum-Clubno
6. David aka "lldavej"DDüsseldorf6Daemons of ChaosPlatthaun Gangno

Distribution of Armies
Dogs of War:1
Distribution of Origins
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