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The Return of the Legion - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Sven aka "hifonics"DCuxhaven9Galactic Republic104th Wolfs Commandno
2. Daniel aka "DTW"DMönchengladbach98EmpireDeath Trooper Wargamingno
3. Arsenii aka "Vykddyka"DBonn-Shadow Collectiveno
4. Harry aka "Sgt_saunders"GRLeverkusen214EmpireFighting Rheinischno
5. Thorsten aka "Macaffey"DKöln278EmpireMacaffeyno
6. Holger aka "Ronin4711"DBraubach230Galactic RepublicKoMiConno
7. Uwe aka "Vader81"DRietberg100Empire104th Wolfs Commandno
8. Philipp aka "Lazeruso"DBielefeld30Rebels104th Wolfs Commandno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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