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AOS Underground 4 - List of Participants

1. Frédéric aka "Monkyxx"FSt Christophe En Brionnais-Disciples of Tzeentchyes
2. Benoit aka "benbart"FSt Martin De Lixy200Maggotkin of NurgleRequiem for a winyes
3. Antoine aka "Marsup"FSaint-Pourçain Sur Sioule187SeraphonLa charge bourbonnaiseyes
4. Tristan aka "captain_caresse"FMoulins118Lumineth Realm-LordsLa charge bourbonnaiseyes
5. Raphael aka "WereMonkey"FCosne-d'Allier254Skavenyes
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6. Julien aka "MuaD_Dib03"FMontluçon251Grand Alliance DeathLa charge bourbonnaiseno
7. Florent aka "Flocs"FMontluçon-Slaves to DarknessLa charge bourbonnaiseno
8. Steeven aka "Nasuana"FÉvreux-Daughters of KhaineRequiem for a winno

Distribution of Armies
Disciples of Tzeentch:1
Lumineth Realm-Lords:1
Maggotkin of Nurgle:1
Distribution of Origins
Allier (03):3
Saône-et-Loire (71):2
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