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3. Würfelbunker Infinity Turnier - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Dustin aka "Cethegus"DDuisburg3Japanese Secessionist ArmyToxic Allstarsno
2. Sven aka "chroma"DBottrop4ALEPHCerberus Nachrichten Netzwerkno
3. Stephan aka "Pandarine"DKrefeld19Combined ArmyWürfelpech Selbsthilfegruppeno
4. Sebastian aka "DarChaos21"DHerzogenrath70Japanese Secessionist ArmyAxolotl Aachenno
5. Jan aka "Frodo"DDuisburg8StarmadaWürfelpech Selbsthilfegruppeno
6. Michael aka "Mecha-el"DDormagen150White Bannerno
7. Henning aka "Blindside"DDormagen24Imperial Serviceno
8. Andreas aka "SoulR"DAachen195Morat Aggression ForceAxolotl Aachenno
9. Jan aka "Aschevogel"DVoerde25PanOceaniaHeadblastno
10. Rene aka "r3st"DBottrop52Steel Phalanxno
11. Carsten aka "CM_Punk"DJülich182Torchlight Brigadeno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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