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Chaos in Arda (German Masters Wochenende 2024) - List of Participants

1. Jakob aka "JTech"DHamburg304The TrollsTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
2. Edu aka "Emc2"DHamburg-Barad-dûryesno
3. Simon aka "Schimonius"DHamburg831Minas Tirithyesno
4. Alex aka "Bollo"DHamburg153The WizardsTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
5. Kevin aka "Kebyte"DHamburg60The Eagles of the Misty MountainsTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
6. Nono aka "Nohirrim"DHamburg131The EasterlingsTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
7. Alexander aka "DHDR"DStade39The Eagles of the Misty MountainsTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
8. Ernesto aka "ayu"DHamburg8Minas TirithTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
9. Lasse aka "Das_Vieh"DHamburg210Dark Denizens of MirkwoodTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
10. Dustyn aka "Grrum"DTornesch46Desolator of the NorthTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
11. Markus aka "Leptys18"DHamburg19The Wild Men of Drúadan ForestTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
12. Nabil aka "Herobrand"DHamburg370MordorTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
13. Jascha aka "Hrutur"DHamburg35The Army of Lake-townTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
14. Antonio aka "HYBERIAS"DEssen11The Eagles of the Misty MountainsHelden des Westensyesno
15. Lasse aka "Lasse_97_123"DHamburg28Barad-dûrTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
16. Michael aka "Finox"DSchenefeld164IsengardTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
17. (anonym)-Isengardyesno
18. Joshua aka "ConnorG59"DHamburg444Azog's HuntersTabletop Nord e.V.yesno

Distribution of Armies
The Eagles of the Misty Mountains:3
Minas Tirith:2
Azog's Hunters:1
Dark Denizens of Mirkwood:1
Desolator of the North:1
The Army of Lake-town:1
The Easterlings:1
The Trolls:1
The Wild Men of Drúadan Forest:1
The Wizards:1
Distribution of Origins
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