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The Great MaW - Solo 40K GT - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Ivan aka "Hoxstun"FTourcoing29Imperial KnightsLes Chatards !no
2. Rémi aka "R3mArk"FPérenchies629Adepta SororitasLes Chatards !no
3. Justin aka "RocketOwlet"FCapinghem42DrukhariLes Chatards !no
4. Benoît aka "MonsieurLapin"FLille960Dark AngelsLes Chatards !no
5. Timothy aka "Kaiiros"FChauny728Leagues of VotannLes Sentinelles du Bastionno
6. Adrien aka "fullmetal59552"FLambres Les Douai544Chaos DaemonsLes Chatards !no
7. Aymeric aka "Mike_du_bois_d_Hazel"FHellemmes - Lille35Imperial KnightsLegio Invictano
8. Nicolas aka "Zerk_"FVilleneuve-d'Ascq48T'au EmpireLes Chatards !no
9. Benoît aka "Chapolaing"FAmiens2689Chaos DaemonsGuerre, Salsifis !no
10. Charles aka "CBFM"FFourmies-Space MarinesGuerre, Salsifis !no
11. Nicolas aka "Barberousse_Uto"FLille2Astra MilitarumLes Chatards !no
12. Ludovic aka "Maghterigon"BBruxelles2768Adeptus CustodesMy Hobby Appno
13. Gwendal aka "Wolffe"FPoitiers-Blood Angelsno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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