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Alpine Cup: NRW-Singles - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Thomas aka "mAXx40K"DBaesweiler338Eldarno
2. Kevin aka "planB_GOD"ATrofaiach10DeathwatchKings of the Hillno
3. Lars aka "Rautenfreund"DWuppertal803Genestealer CultsDicedieleno
4. Michael aka "DerMichael"DRheda-Wiedenbrück216Dark AngelsGT-Battlezoneno
5. Daniel aka "DTW"DMönchengladbach-Astra MilitarumTCMG-DTWno
6. Björn aka "FlameXY"DGotham293Adeptus CustodesGT-Battlezoneno
7. Dennis aka "Kochi"DStuttgart76Necrons40k trollsno
8. Dominic aka "Dophisto"DBochum288OrksImperium Rurano
9. Philip aka "Carion"DBremen699Chaos DaemonsBremer Tabletop Verein e.V.no
10. Dennis aka "Dennissimo"DEssen13Grey KnightsZugzwangno
11. Martin aka "Mata_Hari"CZPrague-Space Marinesno
12. Kai aka "Kaphilihan"DSchmallenberg1837World EatersArnsberger Tabletop Treffno
13. Nils aka "Schniesn"DWaltrop85Leagues of VotannImperium Rurano
14. Nicolas aka "NT_Ghost"DCastrop-Rauxel2415Astra Militarumno
15. Ignaz aka "RexXxuS"DBonn103NecronsDeep Strike Tacticsno
16. Marc aka "Lalle"DGroßrosseln94NecronsTabletop Crew SaarHammerno
17. Tobias aka "Tobs"DGrevenbroich-The InquisitionLySno
18. Thomas aka "Tommeythegun"DKöln887OrksSplit Fireno
19. Daniel aka "DerErzfeind"DRiedstadt205OrksSpitzkliggerno
20. Fabian aka "Katzophant"AWien677Thousand SonsATTAC40Kno
21. Mike aka "CaptainPower666"DMelle471Grey KnightsSplit Fireno
22. Lars Andy aka "Eisenhirn"DNeunkirchen444Dark AngelsSiSu - Siegen Sustainedno
23. Ben aka "Bierkapitaen"DKöln40Death GuardZugzwangno
24. Raphael aka "Big40MaC"DMeckenheim286Chaos KnightsPrivateer Poza Boyzno
25. Steve aka "Minuteman"DNeustadt am Rübenberge2208Chaos Knightsno
26. Sascha aka "Schattenlicht"DLampertheim55Genestealer CultsTeam Hootersno
27. Christopher aka "Querox"DBerlin39Space MarinesG.I.M.P. e.V.no
28. Sören aka "Neonbusch"DKassel1554The InquisitionMiniparadiceno
29. Sebastian aka "Zweischneid"DLahr/Schwarzwald31YnnariTeam Firebug / Basement Crewno
30. Paul aka "Kiall"DGifhorn137Genestealer CultsNSA3Bno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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