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AOS Age of Asgard#06 - List of Participants

1. Simon aka "AlastorScylas"FRouen1206Maggotkin of Nurgleyes
2. Sébastien aka "Hert"FCaudebec-lès-Elbeuf918Grand Alliance ChaosWargame Xyes
3. Leo aka "LeGrandRouin"FRouen17SkavenSect of Monksyes
4. Baptiste aka "Braxx"FVeneux-les-Sablons452Slaves to DarknessLa Confrérie du D6yes
5. Maxime aka "Mweax"FParis1739Kharadron OverlordsLa Confrérie du D6yes
6. Quentin aka "Pady"FParis-Lumineth Realm-LordsLa Confrérie du D6yes
7. Théodore aka "Ploup"FRouen342Disciples of Tzeentchyes
8. Paul aka "Zbouby"FRouen306Orruk WarclansZboubyyes
9. Sébastien aka "Aerius"FDarnetal-Seraphonyes
10. Yoann aka "Griffithe"FOissel1508Hedonites of Slaaneshyes
11. Maxime aka "Aenarion27"FTourville-la-Campagne-Kharadron Overlordsyes
12. Périne aka "Billie"FTourville-La-Campagne-Sons of Behematyes
13. Alexandre aka "Yetou"FCampigny-Orruk Warclansyes
14. Raphaël aka "Zokar"FLe Houlme648Orruk WarclansSect of Monksyes
15. Mathias aka "MR_Thias"FRouen503Gloomspite Gitzyes
16. Alexandre aka "Cthulhulhu"FRouen-Orruk Warclansyes
17. Thomas aka "Halion"FRouen-Slaves to Darknessyes
18. Maximilien aka "Winston76"FCriel Sur Mer1992Lumineth Realm-LordsHert killeryes

The tournament has reached the allowed limit of 18 players. Please contact the organizer for further details.

Distribution of Armies
Orruk Warclans:4
Kharadron Overlords:2
Lumineth Realm-Lords:2
Slaves to Darkness:2
Disciples of Tzeentch:1
Gloomspite Gitz:1
Grand Alliance Chaos:1
Hedonites of Slaanesh:1
Maggotkin of Nurgle:1
Sons of Behemat:1
Distribution of Origins
Seine-Maritime (76):12
Eure (27):3
Paris (75):2
Seine-et-Marne (77):1
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