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29. Games Island - Champions of Sigmar - List of Participants

1. Sascha aka "Alen"DZwickau66Stormcast EternalsGames Islandyesno
2. Sylvio aka "Stu78"DSand am Main373Grand Alliance DestructionDevil Dice Tabletopyesno
3. Steffen aka "Squalltex"DGrettstadt170Stormcast EternalsDevil Dice Tabletopyesno
4. Thomas aka "Redfish15"DSand am Main226Grand Alliance ChaosDevil Dice Tabletopyesno
5. Marco aka "Gulliver"DRadeberg27FyreslayersMount Averageyesno
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
6. Steffen aka "Husky"DLeipzig104Soulblight GravelordsTabletop Sachsen e.V.nono
7. Miklos aka "Murky"DAlitzheim190Grand Alliance Destruction1-Inch-Redeploynono
8. Archie aka "Arcimbaldo"DSchweinfurt444Grand Alliance Chaos3InchFailsnono
9. Andreas aka "bloerrk"DGrettstadt-Slaves to Darkness3InchFailsnono
10. Pascal aka "Purzellino"DErfurt10NighthauntErfurter Wildlachsenono
11. Michael aka "MichaH"DMuldestausee284Grand Alliance OrderTabletop Sachsen e.V.nono
12. Christian aka "Balu-EF"DErfurt228Kharadron OverlordsEast Lionsnono
13. Chris aka "Darthpolle"DJena65Gloomspite Gitznono
14. Thomas aka "NaXoS"DHof67Grand Alliance ChaosGames Islandnono
15. Julian aka "Xukash"DNürnberg773Maggotkin of NurgleBronzebergnono

Distribution of Armies
Stormcast Eternals:2
Grand Alliance Chaos:1
Grand Alliance Destruction:1
Distribution of Origins
Sand am Main:2
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