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La Big Bourgogne Cup (1ère édition) - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Kevin aka "Ketep"FAureil8Trident Realms of NeriticaMagisteres lemovices forbannisnono
2. Morgan aka "Balthus"FAuxerre-Trident Realms of NeriticaBourre, Guigne et Gnonsnono
3. Nicolas aka "Nayko_le_Rat"FSilhac1RatkinLes Rats Corruptiblesnono
4. Kenny aka "Kintz"FAuxerre21Empire of DustBourre, Guigne et Gnonsnono
5. Mathieu aka "Mamatt89"FVéron-NightstalkersBourre, Guigne et Gnonsnono
6. Julien aka "MyNicknameIsBetterThanYours"FBourges2GoblinsLa Charge des Figurinesnono
7. Joris aka "Jawjaw"FSaint Bris Le Vineux396OgresBourre, Guigne et Gnonsnono
8. Eric aka "LeVil1"FAnnay118Kingdoms of Mennono
9. Paco aka "Iblis"EMadrid7Varangurnono
10. Vincent aka "Julo62"FHénin-Beaumont36Halflingsles halflingsnono
11. Olivier aka "Orckel"FLille25Orcsles halflingsnono
12. Alban aka "walach"FCroix45Trident Realms of Neriticales halflingsnono
13. Samuel aka "expunk"FVilleneuve D' Ascq10Order of the Brothermarkles halflingsnono
14. Maxime aka "Fao"FTourcoing37Abyssal DwarfsFaonono

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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