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First Flames of Embergard - List of Participants

1. Marko aka "WHUVienna843"AWien-Thundrik's Profiteersyes
2. Stefan aka "Morp"AWien-Morgok's Krushasyes
3. Sebastian aka "Mr-Bombardi"AWien-Magore’s Fiendsyes
4. Stefan aka "StePet"AWien-Gnarlspirit PackWiener Würfel Wappleryes
5. Tristan aka "Siren_Games"AWien-Thundrik's Profiteersyes
6. Markus aka "Karazor"AWien-The GrymwatchWiener Würfel Wappleryes
7. Nikolaus aka "EpicUhr"AWien-Myari's Purifiersyes
8. Christian G.APottendorf-The Farstridersyes
9. Saint aka "LordCrimson"AWien-The Crimson Courtyes
10. Benjamin aka "Leonchampion125"AWien-The Shadebornyes
11. Michael K.AWien-Skittershank's Clawpackyes
12. (anonym)-Sepulchral Guardyes
13. Nikola aka "rsnikola"AVienna-Skittershank's Clawpackyes
14. Ljubov aka "Lessa"AVienna-The Crimson Courtyes

Distribution of Armies
Skittershank's Clawpack:2
The Crimson Court:2
Thundrik's Profiteers:2
Gnarlspirit Pack:1
Magore’s Fiends:1
Morgok's Krushas:1
Myari's Purifiers:1
Sepulchral Guard:1
The Farstriders:1
The Grymwatch:1
The Shadeborn:1
Distribution of Origins
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