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AOS Underground 5 - List of Participants

1. Damien aka "DamienW64"FLa Souterraine2002Maggotkin of NurgleL'hydre de la petite Creuseyes
2. Florian aka "Toff"FBourges421Grand Alliance DeathBerry Bad Tripyes
3. Guillaume aka "Moof"FBourges1734Idoneth DeepkinBerry Bad Tripyes
4. Raphael aka "WereMonkey"FCosne-d'Allier278Slaves to DarknessLes Dés Salésyes
5. Antoine aka "Marsup"FSaint-Pourçain Sur Sioule186Grand Alliance ChaosLa Charge Bourbonnaiseyes
6. Pierre aka "Pierrodactyl"FOrleans139Gloomspite GitzOrléans wargamesyes
7. Florent aka "Flocs"FMontluçon-Slaves to DarknessLa charge bourbonnaiseyes
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8. Aidan aka "Murderface"FLe Palais-sur-Vienne341Grand Alliance Orderno
9. Louis aka "PapiBigFoot"FSarlat-la-Canéda643Grand Alliance Destructionno
10. Yoann aka "Biermeyer"FDun-sur-Auron1169Orruk WarclansBerry Bad Tripno

Distribution of Armies
Slaves to Darkness:2
Gloomspite Gitz:1
Grand Alliance Chaos:1
Grand Alliance Death:1
Idoneth Deepkin:1
Maggotkin of Nurgle:1
Distribution of Origins
Allier (03):3
Cher (18):2
Creuse (23):1
Loiret (45):1
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