T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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AOS - Tournoi des Terres d'Ouest - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Emilien aka "Emilien_J_65"FTarbes-Stormcast Eternalsno0
2. Clément aka "Jacknife"FToulouse102Grand Alliance DestructionFig'oxitanno0
3. Baptiste aka "TINTIN64"FSendets-Stormcast Eternalsno0
4. Tristan aka "Callmebob"FPau-Grand Alliance Deathno0
5. Florian aka "Eduardo6428"FCoarraze-Lumineth Realm-Lordsno0
6. Leo aka "arakis64"FPau-Ossiarch Bonereapersno0
7. Dylan aka "dydy"FJurançon-Seraphonno0
8. Michael aka "MiKaeL"F31320 - Auzeville Tolosane1403Grand Alliance Chaosno0

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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