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I. Spearhead in Spandau - List of Participants

1. Gerrit aka "Geraan"DBerlin, Spandau-Kharadron Overlordsyes
2. David aka "Rapti"DHamburg-Seraphonyes
3. Dawid aka "Grumblebee"DBerlin-Stormcast Eternalsyes
4. Carsten aka "jethroo"DWerder-Maggotkin of NurgleBerliner Wargaming Betriebeyes
5. Lovis aka "nani-bre"DWerder-Soulblight GravelordsBerliner Wargaming Betriebeyes
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
6. Florian aka "Ivysaw"DBerlin-Idoneth Deepkinno
7. (anonym)-Stormcast Eternalspew pew crewno
8. Daniel D.DBerlin-Ogor Mawtribesno
9. Tim A.DBerlin-Lumineth Realm-Lordsno

Distribution of Armies
Kharadron Overlords:1
Maggotkin of Nurgle:1
Soulblight Gravelords:1
Stormcast Eternals:1
Distribution of Origins
Berlin, Spandau:1
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