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PPB Krieg der Könige Vol. 15 - List of Participants

1. Christian aka "Galain"DRuppichteroth73Empire of DustPrivateer Poza Boyzyesno
2. Jan aka "Lord_Smoodo"DLohmar27Northern AllianceRhein-Sieg Raidersyesno
3. Jonathan aka "Deadhappy"DSiegburg41UndeadRhein-Sieg Raidersyesno
4. Clément aka "ClemClem"Dberlin18Forces of the AbyssITGC Berlinyesno
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5. Wolfgang aka "WolleK"DLülsdorf32Abyssal DwarfsPrivateer Poza Boyznono
6. Chris aka "Cthomas"DEppstein63Trident Realms of Neriticanono
7. Aaron Jeremias K.DWuppertal-UndeadMemento morinono
8. Lukas aka "Epo"DOsnabrück-Forces of the AbyssMemento morinono
9. Marcus-André aka "Pommesman"DBremen29Basileansnono
10. Sebastian aka "Hermite"DMannheim-Forces of the Abyssnono
11. Martin aka "Coar"DMutterstadt23Riftforged OrcsKoW-Kurpfalznono

Distribution of Armies
Empire of Dust:1
Forces of the Abyss:1
Northern Alliance:1
Distribution of Origins
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