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Tournoi Bolt Action Toulouse - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Jc aka "Valrus"FVillevieille-German ArmyDAKno
2. Kenny aka "Kenny21"FSaint-Jean-Australian Armyno
3. Stephane aka "Timur64"FAuzielle-French ArmyDIAno
4. Ostap aka "Ostap"FToulouse-French Armyno
5. Frederic aka "viracochas"FFonsorbes-Soviet ArmyСЕРП И МОЛОТno
6. Rodéric aka "MiniVect"FSégoufielle-German ArmyAll Killer, No Fillerno
7. Franck aka "francky21"FBaziege-German Armyno
8. Nicolas aka "Levendi"FEscalquens-Greek Armyno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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