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Imperatus Vult IV - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Clemens aka "glasSpN"CHZug148Grey KnightsMournivalnono
2. Thomas aka "Yurdahil"CHHolziken46Thousand SonsSunday Warlordsnono
3. Marc aka "G3nocid3"CHSursee935Dark Angelsnono
4. Mauro aka "Morico"CHLuzern160Death Guardhbzbnono
5. Marc aka "Viivid"CHBaar82Thousand Sonshbzbnono
6. Linus aka "Liahm"CHBaar348Chaos Space Marineshbzbnono
7. Michael aka "Gilles_le_Breton"CHBurgdorf234EldarAncient Hellhoundnono
8. Marcel aka "Nobbit"CHLuzern320TyranidsHigh Performance Mindest CHnono

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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