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Krawall im Stall 2 - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Marco aka "Rollnureinsa"DDuisburg394Orruk Warclansno
2. Sebastian aka "Torino90"DMülheim an der Ruhr821Seraphonno
3. Matthias aka "Bartuk-Matthias"DMünster342Tamurkhan’s HordeMighty Miscasters Münsterno
4. Tristan aka "Priimetime"DGelsenkirchen5Disciples of TzeentchStündchen AoSno
5. Stefan aka "Bossk"DOsnabrück439Fyreslayersno
6. Daniel aka "Daniel-S"DReken270Grand Alliance OrderMighty Miscaster Münsterno
7. Michael aka "Shaitan"DMünster-Maggotkin of Nurgleno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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