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6. The Game of Dislikes - Teamturnier - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Christoph aka "Logain"DParsberg38LannisterOldtownerno
2. Henry aka "Drabblmann"DUffenheim130LannisterTeam Dislikeno
3. Manuel aka "Zwiebelsack"DNeustadt100Brotherhood Without BannersDie Superfreundeno
4. Stefan aka "MitchScribbles"DLappersdorf66TargaryenOldtownerno
5. Hoang Dang aka "SenorSupremo"DSchorndorf16MartellSSSnake-Eyesssno
6. Manuel aka "Smanule"DRudersberg60Night's WatchSSSnake-Eyesssno
7. Jürgen aka "ShadowKid"DWinnenden41Brotherhood Without BannersSSSnake-Eyesssno
8. Dennis aka "Timber8wolf"DGaildorf12Free FolkEyes of the snakeno
9. (anonym)-BoltonKellerkinderno
10. Dominik aka "Taisa-san"DRegensburg3TargaryenOldtownerno
11. Chris aka "Nohai"DWürzburg-Greyjoynoch teamlosno
12. Alexander aka "Butler-"DWürzburg22MartellTeam Springerno
13. Tom aka "Skuunk"DKarlsruhe50Brotherhood Without BannersTwo & a half Westerosino
14. Franziska aka "Callisto"DKarlsruhe504TargaryenTwo & a half Westerosino
15. Max aka "MadMax89"DHaßloch-Brotherhood Without BannersTwo & a half Westerosino
16. Samuel aka "stingersoldier"DNürnberg140GreyjoyKellerkinderno
17. Sven aka "Jamesmorgan"DIgstadt235Lannisternoch teamlosno
18. Markus aka "mrks"DUnterpleichfeld15StarkTeam Springerno
19. Matthias aka "Wolfir"DWürzburg23Night's WatchTeam Springerno
20. Roland aka "Muskelbiber"DCoburg-TargaryenDie Superfreundeno

List of teams

Registered teams
1OldtownerLogain, MitchScribbles, Taisa-san
2Team DislikeDrabblmann
3Die SuperfreundeZwiebelsack, Muskelbiber
4SSSnake-EyesssSenorSupremo, Smanule, ShadowKid
5Eyes of the snakeTimber8wolf
6Kellerkinder(anonym), stingersoldier
7noch teamlosNohai, Jamesmorgan
8Team SpringerButler-, mrks, Wolfir
9Two & a half WesterosiSkuunk, Callisto, MadMax89

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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