No. | Name | Origin | NTR | Army | Team | Paid | Armylist |
1. | Tim aka "PrivateMccormick" | Michelau | 41 | Maggotkin of Nurgle | 1-Inch-Redeploy | yes | no |
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet |
2. | Daniel aka "Donnerwolf" | Riechheim | 122 | Disciples of Tzeentch | Tabletop Club Erfurt e.V. | no | no |
3. | Bernhard aka "Uziel" | Wenzenbach | 796 | Cities of Sigmar | TTC Ratisbona | no | no |
4. | Michael aka "MichelF" | Jena | 417 | Daughters of Khaine | | no | no |
5. | Lukas-Sebastian aka "Lappy" | Erlangen | 489 | Ogor Mawtribes | Bronzeberg | no | no |
6. | Chris aka "Darthpolle" | Jena | 90 | Grand Alliance Destruction | Skragrott and friends | no | no |
7. | Pascal aka "Purzellino" | Erfurt | 3 | Nighthaunt | Erfurter Wildlachse | no | no |
8. | Steffen aka "White_Templer" | Erfurt | 439 | Seraphon | Tabletop Club Erfurt e.V. | no | no |
9. | Kay aka "BrokenCore" | Erfurt | 241 | Gloomspite Gitz | Erfurter Wildlachse | no | no |
Distribution of Armies |
Maggotkin of Nurgle: | 1 |
Distribution of Origins |
Michelau: | 1 |