T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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GRABUJ solo - List of Participants

1. Bruno aka "Nibeuh"FLe Haillan56Grand Alliance ChaosLes Griffonsyes0
2. Alexandre aka "Galaraz"FCestas412Grand Alliance Chaosyes0
3. Yohann aka "Karma33"FCastelnau-De-Medoc (33480)1235Grand Alliance DestructionAdeptus Coloresyes0
4. Nicolas aka "Marsu"FBordeaux63Grand Alliance OrderGRIFFONSyes0
5. Adam aka "Cendrak"FCenon989Grand Alliance Deathyes0
6. François aka "Kozo"F33000 - BORDEAUX180FyreslayersGRIFFONSyes0
7. Flavien aka "Gromthi"FCazaux622Soulblight GravelordsGRABUJyes0
8. Hugo aka "Astsaroth"FLe Teich1020Maggotkin of NurgleGRABUJyes0
9. Benjamin aka "Benynoi"FPessac1438SkavenAdeptus Coloresyes0
10. Guillaume aka "Lazar"FGUJAN MESTRAS928NighthauntGRABUJyes0
11. Philippe aka "vindic"FLanton-FyreslayersGRABUJyes0
12. Arthur aka "Monsieur-Arthur"FLe Teich-Flesh-eater CourtsGRABUJyes0
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13. Olivier aka "Eiilorv"FCastres-Gironde910Stormcast EternalsGUILDno0
14. Anton aka "Arnakh"FMerignac527Grand Alliance OrderAdeptus Coloresno0

Distribution of Armies
Grand Alliance Chaos:2
Flesh-eater Courts:1
Grand Alliance Death:1
Grand Alliance Destruction:1
Grand Alliance Order:1
Maggotkin of Nurgle:1
Soulblight Gravelords:1
Distribution of Origins
Gironde (33):12
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