No. | Name | Origin | NTR | Army | Team | Paid | Armylist |
1. | Antonio aka "ElMagnificoo" | Stans | 7 | The Army of the High King | SML Stans | yes | no |
2. | Patrick aka "Paddi96" | Heerbrugg | 19 | Moria | SML SG | yes | no |
3. | Moritz aka "kamahl90" | Basel | 1 | Durin's Folk | Basel | yes | no |
4. | Lukas aka "LukasW" | Uster | 6 | The Trolls | The Widmers | yes | no |
5. | Lars aka "Iten96" | Ennetbürgen | 4 | Thranduil's Halls | SML Stans | yes | no |
6. | Marlon aka "Lucky_2" | Reinach | 14 | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | Basel | yes | no |
7. | Tim aka "Fantusch" | Wettingen | 11 | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | The Widmers | yes | no |
8. | Benjamin aka "benjderxv" | Lachen | 3 | Minas Tirith | | yes | no |
9. | Luca aka "lotr-craft-paint" | Rieden | 2 | Arnor | IgnoranTeam | yes | no |
10. | Joel aka "Joeljk" | Zurich | 43 | Goblin Town | | yes | no |
11. | Julian aka "Sausa" | Volketswil | - | The Black Gate | | yes | no |
12. | Roland aka "Hal" | Reinach | 8 | Théoden's Host | Basel | yes | no |
13. | Kerim aka "Koroyosh" | Meierskappel | 40 | The Dead of Dunharrow | | yes | no |
14. | Felix aka "qblix" | Zumikon | 146 | Minas Tirith | | yes | no |
Distribution of Armies |
Minas Tirith: | 2 |
The Eagles of the Misty Mountains: | 2 |
Arnor: | 1 |
Durin's Folk: | 1 |
Goblin Town: | 1 |
Moria: | 1 |
The Army of the High King: | 1 |
The Black Gate: | 1 |
The Dead of Dunharrow: | 1 |
The Trolls: | 1 |
Théoden's Host: | 1 |
Thranduil's Halls: | 1 |
Distribution of Origins |
Reinach: | 2 |
Basel: | 1 |
Ennetbürgen: | 1 |
Heerbrugg: | 1 |
Lachen: | 1 |
Meierskappel: | 1 |
Rieden: | 1 |
Stans: | 1 |
Uster: | 1 |
Volketswil: | 1 |
Wettingen: | 1 |
Zumikon: | 1 |
Zurich: | 1 |