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Rencontre Tercios Toulouse 2025 - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Romain-Pierre aka "Tresh"FParis-Holy German EmpireLa vraie Foinono
2. Nicolas aka "Levendi"FEscalquens-Tartarsnono
3. Phil aka "Lordphil"FLimoux-Kingdom of FranceVivelaFrancenono
4. Pascal aka "SHRAN"FSaint Jean De Luz-Kingdom of FrancePour Monsieur de Turennenono
5. Jean Marc aka "xalbat"FSt Jean De Luz-English Parlementariansnono
6. Clément aka "BetoB"FSaint-Orens De Gameville-Tsarat of Russianono
7. Ostap aka "Ostap"FToulouse-Kingdom of Hungarianono
8. Laurent aka "Tartarin"FBlagnac-United ProvincesLe papiste c'est bon mangez-en !nono
9. Stephane aka "Timur64"FAuzielle-Kingdom of SwendenLes lions du Nordnono

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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