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Tournoi Aos, Le Repaire Ludique, janvier 2025 - List of Participants

1. Remy aka "Sylco"FChamboeuf276Soulblight GravelordsAOSSEyes
2. Cyril aka "cygi42"FMontbrison67Hedonites of SlaaneshWargame Forézienyes
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3. Jean Michael aka "Ercus"FSail-sous-Couzan398Slaves to DarknessWargame Forézienno
4. Fabien aka "Skarpt"FSaint Germain Nuelles70Slaves to DarknessAOSSEno
5. Benoît aka "Hurben"FLa Talaudiere218Flesh-eater CourtsAOSSEno
6. Hervé aka "Aice"FSaint Romain Le Puy-Stormcast Eternalsno
7. Tanguy aka "Elonn"FSaint Martin Belle Roche166Flesh-eater Courtsno

Distribution of Armies
Hedonites of Slaanesh:1
Soulblight Gravelords:1
Distribution of Origins
Loire (42):2
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