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Master of Reignier - List of Participants

1. Marc aka "AzRael999"CHBelmont-Sur-Lausanne-Grand Alliance OrderMorningstaryesno
2. Adrien aka "Anharat"CHFribourg-Sons of BehematMorningstaryesno
3. Patrick aka "Z0oy"CHEpalinges-NighthauntMorningstaryesno
4. Jeremie aka "Boozer"CHBelmont-sur-Lausanne-Maggotkin of NurgleMorningstaryesno
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5. Benjamin aka "Bengif"FGrenoble966Stormcast EternalsLes Brûleurs de pitouxnono
6. Laurent aka "Silidan"FValgelon - La Rochette829Soulblight GravelordsLes Brûleurs de pitouxnono
7. Adrien aka "Pavlis"Fsaint-Martin-d'Heres214SkavenLes Gre’dinsnono
8. Johan aka "Johan_g"FAnnecy757Stormcast Eternalsles quadricolornono
9. Thibault aka "Petitefleur"F613 Bd Massenet1178Grand Alliance Chaosles quadricolornono
10. Vivien aka "zut"FMeylan207Orruk WarclansLes Gre’dinsnono
11. Dimitri aka "LULLABY"FAnnecy-Grand Alliance Deathles quadricolornono
12. Victor aka "Eloi_De_Murphy"FGrenoble126Gloomspite GitzLes Gre’dinsnono
13. Rémy F.FRumilly-Seraphonles quadricolornono

Distribution of Armies
Grand Alliance Order:1
Maggotkin of Nurgle:1
Sons of Behemat:1
Distribution of Origins
Aube (10):3
Charente-Maritime (17):1
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