No. | Name | Origin | NTR | Army | Team | Paid | Armylist |
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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet |
1. | Romain aka "Romanofski" | Molsheim | - | Disciples of Tzeentch | Les bras kassés | no | no |
2. | Guillaume aka "Malus-" | 67190 | - | Sylvaneth | Les bras kassés | no | no |
3. | Martial aka "Gildart" | Jaillon | - | Seraphon | | no | no |
4. | Justin aka "Gro-Ganon" | Strasbourg | - | Skaven | | no | no |
5. | Olivier aka "Ol-Ender" | Saulxerotte | - | Orruk Warclans | Picpics | no | no |
6. | Thomas aka "Riddiloth" | Vandoeuvre Les Nancy | - | Nighthaunt | Picpics | no | no |
7. | Guillaume aka "Guibidou" | Saulxerotte | - | Skaven | Picpics | no | no |
Distribution of Armies |
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Distribution of Origins |
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