No. | Name | Origin | NTR | Army | Team | Paid |
1. | Kevin aka "Einser-Magnet" | Herrnburg | 500 | Grand Alliance Chaos | Ludo Liubice e.V. | yes |
2. | Tobias aka "Aestiva" | Wattenbek | - | Maggotkin of Nurgle | | yes |
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet |
3. | Dennis aka "DosKrausos" | Hamburg | 89 | Flesh-eater Courts | Störtebeker Würfelpiraten | no |
4. | Sakarija aka "Zac" | Hamburg | 118 | Grand Alliance Chaos | Störtebeker Würfelpiraten | no |
5. | Aik aka "Raja" | Rostock | 82 | Grand Alliance Death | Baltic Tableflop | no |
6. | Tobias aka "Rabrab" | Kiel | 151 | Gloomspite Gitz | Fettes Grot | no |
7. | Ferdinand aka "Poffy" | Lübeck | - | Orruk Warclans | | no |
8. | Lukas aka "Magedown" | Hemme | 195 | Idoneth Deepkin | 6 to Wound | no |
9. | Till aka "Intothewilds" | Hamburg | 126 | Grand Alliance Destruction | Walhalla Wargaming | no |
10. | Benedikt aka "Drachenlord" | Hamburg | 334 | Grand Alliance Chaos | Störtebeker Würfelpiraten | no |
11. | Björn aka "Gollinger1986" | Schülp | 228 | Grand Alliance Order | Walhalla&Dice | no |
12. | Simon-Patrick aka "Skom" | Schwarzenbek | 108 | The Legion of Azgorh | Ludo Liubice e.V. | no |
13. | Jörg aka "rum" | Wedel | 489 | Sons of Behemat | Bones&Dice | no |