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Rencontre bretonne - Campagne kislev warhamateur - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Malo aka "Mazh"FRennes-Wood Elf RealmsElvenhammernono
2. Victorien aka "Elamon"FRohan-Warriors of ChaosChaosnono
3. Ulrick R.FMellac-Dwarfen Mountain Holdssang et glacenono
4. Ugo P.FRennnes-High Elf RealmsElvenhammernono
5. Alessio aka "Hartemus"FMALGUÉNAC-Wood Elf RealmsLes collants vertsnono
6. Thomas aka "Actarus"FLesneven-Orc & Goblin TribesLes Crânes Sanglantsnono
7. Corentin aka "CocoDuChaos"FDAOULAS-Daemons of ChaosLa force de Norscanono
8. Christophe aka "Wathiere"FSaint Domineuc-Beastmen BrayherdsChaussettes dépareilléesnono
9. Jonas aka "Jahpero"FJanze-Dwarfen Mountain HoldsBrassKarnono
10. Louis aka "Knoot"FThorigné-Fouillard-Kingdom of BretonniaBrassKarnono
11. Thomas aka "Thomastique"FLandébia-Wood Elf RealmsCamouflage edulcorénono
12. Paul aka "Enaf"FLorient-Tomb Kings of KhemriLes non alignésnono
13. Jerome aka "Poisseman"FVannes-Tomb Kings of KhemriVannetais Ludiquesnono
14. Mathieu aka "Silmaar"FLoyat-High Elf RealmsBesoin d'un ami !nono
15. Alexandre aka "Maedros"FParis-Wood Elf RealmsLe Marteau de Redonnono
16. Alexandre aka "Troxonogar"Fst just-Orc & Goblin TribesLe Marteau de Redonnono
17. Mathieu aka "kerhor"FLivré sur Changeon-Tomb Kings of KhemriLes Triskèlesnono

List of teams

Registered teams
1ElvenhammerMazh, Ugo P.
3sang et glaceUlrick R.
4Les collants vertsHartemus
5Les Crânes SanglantsActarus
6La force de NorscaCocoDuChaos
7Chaussettes dépareilléesWathiere
8BrassKarJahpero, Knoot
9Camouflage edulcoréThomastique
10Les non alignésEnaf
11Vannetais LudiquesPoisseman
12Besoin d'un ami !Silmaar
13Le Marteau de RedonMaedros, Troxonogar
14Les Triskèleskerhor

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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