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3. Märkische Schlachtfeld - List of Participants

1. Toni aka "torwaechter97"DBerlin523Grand Alliance OrderSon's of the Stormyesno
2. Patrick aka "LordPatrick"DBerlin39SeraphonBerliner Bärenbandeyesno
3. Raphael aka "Sternburg"DNackel274SkavenWarpstone Enjoyeryesno
4. Karl aka "Deadend"DBerlin258Flesh-eater CourtsFAKTSyesno
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5. Daniel aka "PestOrDie"DBerlin344Maggotkin of NurgleTrio infernalenono
6. Bennet aka "Runenschmidt"DBerlin176Blades of Khornenono
7. (anonym)-Grand Alliance ChaosCasual Dadsnono
8. Bryce aka "TheOtherGuy"DBerlin86Grand Alliance Ordernono
9. Marc aka "Sigmarc77"DBerlin20Hedonites of SlaaneshSons of Southsidenono
10. Jonas aka "Akyla"DBerlin661Stormcast EternalsSon's of the Stormnono
11. Robert aka "Gaukler95"DBerlin12Beasts of ChaosBerliner Bärenbandenono
12. Jannis aka "Rattenoger"DBerlin61Grand Alliance ChaosSon's of the Stormnono
13. Carsten aka "jethroo"DWerder345Cities of SigmarBerliner Wargaming Betriebenono
14. Philipp aka "SkraggyBalboa"DBerlin219Gloomspite GitzFAKTSnono
15. Anton aka "Kozak"DBerlin110Soulblight GravelordsFAKTSnono
16. Felix aka "NPC"DDresden63Grand Alliance ChaosMount Averagenono
17. Michael aka "MobWob"DGrünheide (Mark)-Stormcast EternalsMSP e.V.nono
18. Philipp aka "Sleeper"DAltlandsberg-Soulblight GravelordsMSP e.V.nono
19. Fabian aka "Remus89"DPotsdam888Lumineth Realm-LordsDicey Disciplesnono
20. Robert aka "HappyHour"DBeelitz417Grand Alliance DeathDicey Disciplesnono
21. Mirko aka "Zay"DTroisdorf15Grand Alliance ChaosDrei Bier Powerspikenono

Distribution of Armies
Flesh-eater Courts:1
Grand Alliance Order:1
Distribution of Origins
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