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Tournoi Killteam BLUFF 2e édition - List of Participants

1. Simon aka "pasdepseudo"FRennes-Angels of Deathyes
2. Tristan aka "Nitrast"FPleurtuit-Nemesis ClawBLUFFyes
3. Matthieu aka "OssooR"FNoyal-Châtillon-Sur-Seiche16Hearthkyn SalvagersThriceyes
4. Baptiste aka "Baxxs"FRennes-Bloodedyes
5. François aka "Ligerian"FNantes2Angels of DeathT1 or Byeyes
6. Martin aka "Tin-Tin"FSaint-Malo-RatlingsBLUFFyes
7. Emeric aka "Unclewolfen"FLes Pieux-Scout SquadLutins du Cotentinyes
8. Simon aka "V4ISSEAUM4M4N"FLes Pieux39Wrecka KrewLutins du Cotentinyes
9. Bastien aka "CoBiNoU"FCherbourg5Hearthkyn SalvagersLutins du Cotentinyes
10. Erwan aka "Wan"FNantes-Warpcovenyes
11. François aka "Linounette"FBougival12Angels of DeathOMGyes
12. Christophe" aka "GedeonTeuzmanies"FCherbourg-Death GuardLutins du Cotentinyes
13. Valentin aka "Trente-six"FDinan-Nemesis ClawBLUFFyes
14. Quentin aka "Galaadd"FMinihic Sur Rance-Exaction SquadBLUFFyes
15. Arthur aka "Corven"FRezé-Death Guardyes
16. Guillaume aka "Auryar"FRennes-Corsair Voidscarredyes
17. Johan aka "TheMoth"FSaint-Malo45Void-Dancer TroupeBLUFFyes
18. Vincent aka "commandeurjojo"FRouen29Death GuardAsgard Normandieyes
19. Matthieu aka "papamat"FLe Mesnil Le Roi-Greenskinsyes
20. Kristian aka "Gouguie"FDamgan105Vespid StingwingsLJSFyes
21. Christophe aka "Elthaerion"FRouen8Angels of DeathAsgard Normandieyes
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22. Dee aka "Cryptek"FAubigny-Hierotek Circleno
23. Cedri aka "Drik"FVannes-Death Korpsno
24. Emmanuel aka "MagnusDetritus"FCancale79MandrakesBLUFFno

Distribution of Armies
Angels of Death:4
Death Guard:3
Hearthkyn Salvagers:2
Nemesis Claw:2
Corsair Voidscarred:1
Exaction Squad:1
Scout Squad:1
Vespid Stingwings:1
Void-Dancer Troupe:1
Wrecka Krew:1
Distribution of Origins
Ille-et-Vilaine (35):8
Manche (50):4
Loire-Atlantique (44):3
Seine-Maritime (76):2
Yvelines (78):2
Côtes d'Armor (22):1
Morbihan (56):1
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