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Krawall im Stall II - List of Participants

1. Boris aka "Borle"DGreven348Cities of SigmarMighty Miscaster Münsteryes
2. Dustin aka "Stormi"DDortmund174Stormcast Eternalsinfamous dice throweryes
3. André aka "Sanandre"DDortmund22Soulblight Gravelordsinfamous dice throweryes
4. Phillip aka "Baumwollschaf"DMünster68Grand Alliance OrderMighty Miscaster Münsteryes
5. Maximilian aka "Kartoffelarsch"DMünster284Grand Alliance DestructionMighty Miscaster Münsteryes
6. Lukas aka "Gihboh"DGreven452Gloomspite GitzMighty Miscasters Münsteryes
7. Billal aka "Darqup_RogueMS"DMünster-Soulblight GravelordsMighty Miscaster Münsteryes
8. Philip aka "Revan01"DDrensteinfurt-Beasts of ChaosLet´s finish Them(solo)yes
9. Mo aka "Strike3000"DLügde100Daughters of KhaineMighty Miscaster Münsteryes
10. Matthias aka "Bartuk-Matthias"DMünster375Tamurkhan’s HordeMighty Miscaster Münsteryes
11. Dennis aka "Llyriics"DDortmund23Stormcast Eternalsinfamous dice throweryes
12. Ferdi aka "pommes"DMünster-SylvanethMighty Miscaster Münsteryes
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13. Hendrik aka "Prometheus129"DWerther-Ossiarch Bonereapersno
14. Tobias aka "R3stless"DRodenbach74SkavenAsgard Aschaffenburg e.V.no

Distribution of Armies
Soulblight Gravelords:2
Stormcast Eternals:2
Beasts of Chaos:1
Cities of Sigmar:1
Daughters of Khaine:1
Gloomspite Gitz:1
Grand Alliance Destruction:1
Grand Alliance Order:1
Tamurkhan’s Horde:1
Distribution of Origins
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