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Glitzer Cup #1 - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Daniel aka "TDU"AGraz3Grand Alliance DeathGlitzer Barbiesno
2. Johannes aka "JohnnyDerp"AGraz103Grand Alliance DeathGlitzer Barbiesno
3. Daniel aka "Xanon"AGraz208Stormcast EternalsGlitzer Barbiesno
4. Daniel aka "rago"AGraz-Gloomspite Gitzno
5. Jan aka "YeahGucciFrisur"AWien79Stormcast Eternals1090 Ghetto Gangno
6. Florian aka "thehighrule"AGraz87Kharadron OverlordsGlitzer Barbiesno
7. Benjamin aka "SeppL"AGraz11Orruk WarclansGlitzer Barbiesno
8. Bernhard aka "Baernie"AMarkt Piesting-NighthauntTTV Electric Diceno
9. Wolfgang aka "ElGungo"AMarkt Piesting90Soulblight GravelordsTTV Electric Diceno
10. Marco aka "Son_of_Behemat"ALandegg244Blades of KhorneTTV Electric Diceno
11. Christoph aka "Maier666"ANeuhofen an der Krems32Disciples of TzeentchBeer and Dice Associationno
12. Christian aka "CraccStar"AHofkirchen im Traunkreis36Flesh-eater CourtsBeer and Dice Associationno
13. Helmut aka "Shorty32"APucking150Disciples of TzeentchBeer and Dice Associationno
14. Tobias aka "2beers"ASankt Pölten18Grand Alliance DestructionBeer and Dice Associationno
15. Markus aka "Bloodcocktail"ADietach37Orruk WarclansBeer and Dice Associationno
16. Bernhard aka "HeldenhammerderII"AHargelsberg21Grand Alliance OrderBeer and Dice Associationno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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